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About Us

Our Story

I am Qianwen Ma, the founder of ERSENN in China.

I have loved traditional Chinese culture and handicrafts since I was a child. When I came into contact with the art of new cloisonné in college, I was fascinated by it and devoted a lot of time and energy to learning this art. After graduating from college, I sold the new cloisonné artworks I made on the famous e-commerce website ETSY, but I found that more people wanted to try this art by themselves than to buy finished works, so I started selling new cloisonne DIY kits, This is why we met.

At ERSENN, we are committed to providing customers with high-quality products and customer service, so that more people can understand and try this art, and let the cloisonné art that has been passed down for thousands of years bloom its charm again in the 21st century.

Our work address:
3-1-2201, Dongshengyuan, No. 125 Xuefu Street,Wucheng Street
Xiaodian District, Taiyuan City,030000
Shanxi Province

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